If you get up late, you will miss your bus. (it doesn`t matter) Sometimes we need to use the first condition or the second condition to make it clear that the situation is real or unreal. Second conditional exercise 2 complete sentences: I would be sitting here if you _. There are four basic types of conditional sentences in the English language. (I`m unlikely to need your help.) Some of the best examples that show null condition states are listed below. (It`s likely I`ll need your help.) If I needed your help, I would call you. (I don`t think I`ll see him because he`s sick.) If I need your help, I will call you. (I guess I`ll see him because we go to the same school.) If I saw him, I would tell him. Sometimes we can use both with the following difference in meaning.

The main difference between the first condition and the second condition is probability: the first condition is realistic, the second condition is unrealistic. Third Conditional Exercise 3 Complete a letter: Dear Jill, if you hadn`t gone to the discotheque, you wouldn`t. Download your modified document, export it to the cloud, print it from the editor, or share it with others using a Shareable link or as an email attachment.Types of Conditional Sentences with Examples Pdf By Stephen Steiner In Uncategorized Get the Grammar worksheet zero conditional with if when completed.Easily add and underline text, insert pictures, checkmarks, and signs, drop new fillable areas, and rearrange or delete pages from your paperwork.

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