Friend NotInheritable Class EditBoxAdorner The following example shows the constructor for the EditBoxAdorner. To create a TextBox control to edit a cell, implement an Adorner. The following example creates a Style for the EditBox control.

Public static DependencyProperty IsEditingProperty = Public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty = Public Shared IsEditingProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("IsEditing", GetType(Boolean), GetType(EditBox), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(False)) Public Shared ReadOnly ValueProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value", GetType(Object), GetType(EditBox), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Nothing)) The IsEditing property specifies whether the cell is currently editable. The Value property stores the value of a cell. The following example shows a custom control that is named EditBox, which implements two dependency properties, Value and IsEditing. To edit the cells of a GridViewColumn in a GridView, define a custom control to use as the CellTemplate of the column.

This example shows how to create a ListView control in a GridView view mode that has editable cells.